Discount Programs

Discount Programs
Reduced Fares are Available for Those Who Qualify
Reduced Fares are available for all seniors 65+, individuals with disabilities, and Medicare recipients. Children 12 (twelve) years of age or younger ride free with a fare-paying adult (limit three children with each fare-paying adult). Proof of eligibility is required for all passengers using reduced-fare products.
BCRTA/MTS Fixed Routes and Regional Routes are FREE.
BCRTA/MTS half-fare cards are accepted at various other public transit agencies.
Half-Fare Program
Persons aged 65+, passengers with a disability, and Medicare cardholders are eligible to pay half fare on all BCRTA U, P, and R routes and also on MTS Blue, Gold, Green and Red routes. Upon approval of half fare program, an ID card will be issued. Card must be shown to the driver upon boarding.
Eligibility Requirements
- Seniors over age 65 – Birth Certificate, Driver’s License, Passport, or State ID Card
- Medicare cardholder – Medicare card and photo ID
- Difficulty boarding a transit vehicle – Doctor’s certificate with license number
- Difficulty standing in a moving transit vehicle – Doctor’s certificate with license number
- Unable to read informational signs/legal blindness – Doctor’s certificate with license number
- Unable to hear directions/Average loss of 30 decibels – Doctor’s certificate with license number
- Difficulty understanding informational signs and/or directions – Doctor’s certificate with license number