Common Questions

Riding BCRTA
Have questions? We have answers!
Here are a list of some of the more common questions that we get about our bus service.
General Questions
Q: Can I Bring A Stroller or Shopping Cart on the Bus?
A:Yes, for your safety and the safety of other passengers, fold the stroller or pull cart to keep the aisle clear for all passengers.
Q: What is BGo?
A: BGo is a curb to curb service. BCRTA provides this service in minivans or small cutaway vehicles. Consider this service like an Uber or Lyft trip operated by the public transit agency.
Q: What is the Drink and Food Policy?
A: No food or drinks are permitted on the bus.
Q: Can I Take My Bike on the Bus?
A: Yes, all fixed route buses have a bike rack on the front that holds two bikes. Passengers are to load and unload their bikes from the bike rack.
Q: Do I Have to Pay For a Small Child? Does BCRTA Offer Discounted Fares and Passes?
A: BCRTA offers free rides for children 12 and younger.
Q: How do I Pay for My Trip?
A: Riders will pay the driver upon boarding. Please show the driver the amount and put the money or tickets in the farebox. For those with a mobile ticket please scan validator when boarding.
Q: Where can I Buy a Bus Pass?
Those with access to a smartphone device can download the Transit mobile application to purchase tickets while on the go. Tickets can also be purchased at the Middletown Transit Station from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday.
Q: What Holiday’s is BCRTA Closed?
A: New Years Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, The Day After Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day.
Q: What is BCRTA’s Inclement Weather Policy?
A: BCRTA will operate in weather-related events as safely as possible. During a Level 3 Snow Emergency operations will be suspended with timely notification for our riders.
Q: Why are Seats at the Front of the Bus Different?
A:Seats at the front of the bus are for seniors and riders with disabilities. Please keep these seats free or offer your seat to those who need it, or upon request of the operator.
Q: Is the Bus Accessible to Seniors and People with Disabilities?
A:Yes. Fixed-route buses have the ability to lower to the curb to make boarding easier, and ramps extend to accommodate wheelchairs and other mobility devices. Mobility devices must be under 34″x 48″ and a combined weight of less than 800 lbs. Stops are announced inside and outside of the vehicle.
Q: Can Personal Care Attendants and Service Animals Ride with Me?
A.Yes. Service animals are welcome on both fixed-route and paratransit vehicles. One Personal Care Attendant (PCA) boards free on paratransit trips.
Q: What Paratransit Services Does BCRTA Offer?
A. BCRTA provides paratransit services along fixed routes only. A 3/4 mile buffer zone around the fixed routes determines eligibility for persons living within the paratransit zone. Please visit the BCare ADA page for more information.
Q.What Senior, Veteran, ADA, or Medicare Programs Does BCRTA Offer?
A. All BCRTA fixed routes are free.
Be Prepared: Please be at your stop five minutes before departure.
Keep Aisles Clear: Strollers and carts should be folded and stowed within the seatee area; please stay behind the standee line unless entering or exiting the vehicle.
Priority Seating: If directed by an operator, please give priority seating to older passengers and riders with disabilities; always keep your feet off the seat and use only one seat.
Control Service Animals: Service animals are welcome and should be under your control; all other animals should be transported in a carrier.
Turn Down the Volume: Customers should use headsets when listening to audio devices and conversations should be at a low volume; please save personal cellphone calls for outside of the vehicles.
Window Use: Please keep hands, arms, heads, and all objects inside the vehicle; windows should be closed while climate control systems are in use.
Pick Up Your Trash: Please put your trash in the proper place, do not leave it behind on your seat or in the aisle.
Store Your Bike: Bikes should be secured on the front of the bus.
Be Considerate: Wear clothing that covers your body, including shoes and shirts, and maintain personal hygiene so others are not exposed to bodily fluids or odors that may present serious health or safety risks.
Be Safe: No hitting, fighting, spitting, making threats, or otherwise causing others to fear for their safety.
Respect Others: Treat others how you want to be treated; avoid obscene language and gestures, and clothing with obscene language.
Respect BCRTA or MTS Property: Do not destroy or damage BCRTA or MTS property or the property of others.
No Smoking: You may smoke, including using e-cigarettes and vape pens, only in clearly designated areas.
No Drugs or Alcohol: Do not use drugs or drink alcohol unless otherwise lawfully permitted. Do not bring illegal drug paraphernalia onto buses or into facilities.
Stay Alert: Be aware of your destination and prepared to alert the vehicle operator of your departure, move for other passengers, or exit the bus at the end of the route.
Make Space For Others: Bring only what you can carry in a single boarding and stow in your lap or under your seat. Exit the bus once you have arrived at your destination to make room for others. Do not ride the bus without purpose.
No Illegal Weapons: Do not carry or possess illegal weapons.
No Dangerous Equipment: Do not carry onto a BCRTA/MTS vehicle any item that could cause injury or damage to BCRTA/MTS riders or property, including hazardous materials such as gasoline, propane tanks, and car batteries.