Butler County RTA to Eliminate Fixed Route Fares!
November 19, 2020
BCRTA is delighted to announce that fixed route fares will be eliminated. BCRTA suspended fares back in March in response to Covid-19. The initial suspension was put into place to reduce contact between our riders and vehicle operators along with reducing some of the financial hardships that many of our community members were facing.
“We’re excited to be able eliminate fixed route fares for our passengers and communities. In addition to eliminating transportation barriers for riders, this move will also reduce costly expenses for managing the revenue collection process,”said Matthew Dutkevicz, Executive Director of BCRTA.” “In addition, we believe this is a crucial step in setting our region apart from other midwestern cities when employers are looking to relocate or expand their operations. An accessible, affordable, and easy to use public transportation network is essential to our employers and regional health and prosperity.”
The elimination of fares will also apply to BCRTA’s Americans with Disabilities paratransit service, also known as ADA or BCARE. BCARE is available to individuals that have a certified disability that prevents them from using the regular fixed routes. Eliminating the fare on our BCARE service will remove barriers and enhance personal mobility by providing access to economic, health, and social opportunities to our elderly and disabled population. BCRTA’s Board of Trustees voted unanimously at their November 18th Board Meeting to pass the resolution. “This is a bold regional statement pertaining to our seriousness in addressing inequality, carbon emissions and enhancing workforce availability,” said Chris Lawson, Board President, Chris further added-, “My hope is others would follow our example.”