Travel Training

Travel Training Is For Everyone
Everyone knows someone who needs BCRTA… but have you ever been interested in riding yourself?
We understand that riding a bus for the first time can be daunting – reading a schedule, finding your way home, or even figuring out how to purchase and use your fare. That is why our Mobility Manager created a Travel Training Program to teach how to:
Plan, navigate, and successfully ride BCRTA fixed route, paratransit, and BGo curb-to-curb options
The Benefits of Travel Training
- Understanding transportation options
- Navigating the public transportation system
- Increasing your independence
- Supporting an active lifestyle
- It’s free
Types of Travel Training
Destination Training
Teaches an individual to travel from a specific destination and back, usually on a daily basis and greater riding instruction tailored to the needs of the individual
Group/Classroom Training
Teaches an overview of the public transportation system, ie. reading the schedules and maps, basic navigation skills, and money handling. Bus tours and group trips are available during the training.
Train The Trainer Training
Available to social service agencies who would like to learn about BCRTA and how to navigate the public transportation system.
Mobility Management
BCRTA Mobility Management transportation partnership committed to the coordination of transportation services countywide and exploring new opportunities to improve transportation options within Butler County. Helping to inform, improve, and assist specialized transportation needs for older adults, people with disabilities, and individuals with lower income. All mobility management and training services are offered free of charge.