BCARE Paratransit

What Is BCARE?

BCRTA adheres to the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and provides complimentary paratransit services along all fixed route services.  A paratransit zone buffer of 3/4 mile has been created along the fixed routes to determine who might be eligible for the paratransit services.

An application process has been put into place to apply for ADA Paratransit service.  The approval process includes a form that must be filled out by the applicant as well as a clinical professional.  ADA approval comes with a five year eligibility period.

ADA services are for passengers with disabilities who are unable or find it difficult to ride fixed line bus routes. ADA passengers must be certified by BCRTA in order to reserve ADA rides.

Applicants must fill out and turn in the ADA Application Form to determine their eligibility.

ADA Certification Process

  • ADA services are for passengers with disabilities who are unable or find it difficult to ride fixed line bus routes. ADA passengers must be certified by BCRTA in order to reserve ADA rides.
  • ALL of BCRTA and MTS vehicles are mobility device lift equipped and consequently ADA compliant.
  • ADA Paratransit service must be provided to all individuals who are unable, because of their disability, to use the fixed route system. The criteria for determining eligibility is regulated by the ADA Act of 1990, and BCRTA/MTS has developed and administers a process for determining if individuals who request service meet the regulatory requirements for eligibility.
  • ADA requires that reservations be made the day before a trip. BCRTA/MTS does allow same day trips as the schedule allows. If same day trips are available, the fare is the same regardless of when a trip is scheduled.
  • During the application review process individuals will be offered 3 consecutive days of rides while they are waiting for the application to be processed. This is a one-time ride offer that is available to all of the public.
  • Personal care attendants (PCAs) are allowed on an ADA trip.  One (1) PCA rides free and all others must pay the same rate as the rider.  Riders should notify of any PCAs that will be riding at the time of scheduling if possible.

Rider Guidelines

  • BCRTA drivers may assist passengers with bags, but they are not permitted to enter private residences. Please do not ask.
  • Passengers are permitted to carry-on four (4) normal size shopping bags. Bags must be secured in a cargo area to allow all passengers to be seated.
  • BCRTA recommends that all passengers wear a safety belt. All mobility devices must be secured.
  • Children under the age of twelve (12) must be accompanied by an adult.
  • In accordance with Ohio state law, certain children must be secured in an approved safety seat.
  • Smoking and “E” smoking are not permitted on board any vehicles.
  • Eating or drinking is not permitted on board any vehicles.
  • BCRTA allows all service animals on its vehicles.
  • Please contact BCRTA for any reasonable modification accommodations. We try our best to ensure your trip with us is as easy as possible.
  • Mobility devices must be under 34″x 48″ and a combined weight of less than 800 lbs.

Paratransit Plan

Read our Paratransit Plan to learn more about paratransit services.

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BCRTA Reasonable Modification Request

a. RTA makes every effort to ensure individuals with disabilities have access to and benefits from all our services. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, and FTA requirements, we invite requests for reasonable modifications to customers with disabilities.


b. Reasonable modifications include changes, exceptions, or adjustments to our rules, policies, practices, and procedures to provide everyone with the opportunity to use all RTA services.

c. Reasonable Modification Requests can be made by contacting Customer Service at 513.785.5237, Ohio Relay at 800-750-0750, or by email at request@butlercountyrta.com
