MTS Health Advisory

June 11, 2020

The Middletown Transit System and Butler County Regional Transit Authority at the advisement of the Butler County Health Department is alerting its riders to a potential exposure to COVID-19. Riders who rode either the Blue or Green lines in Middletown between May 27 – June 5 in the hours of 6:30AM – 1:30PM should monitor their health for 14 days. The CDC recommends taking your temperature to watch for fever and watch for coughing and breathing problems. If you do start to have symptoms please see your physician.

The Butler County Health Department will be contacting anyone believed to have come into contact with the infected individual.

BCRTA is taking all necessary precautions and cleaning buses every 48 hours to make sure riding public transportation in Butler County remains safe for our riders. Wearing a mask is not required but does protect others and yourself while riding the bus.